Justice For Rohingya: Nearing 3 Years of the Genocide Case against Myanmar

On Wednesday 23 November BROUK hosted a webinar: Justice for Rohingya, Nearing 3 years of the Genocide Case against Myanmar. The webinar coincided with the the six-month deadline for Myanmar’s report to the International Court of Justice in the Gambia v Myanmar genocide case on its implementation of the provisional measures to stop the ongoing genocide, laid out by the court. Myanmar’s reports to the court are not public.

At the event, BROUK President Tun Khin spoke, together with M Arsalan Suleman, Legal councel at Forley Hoag to the Gambia on the case, Naomi Kikoler, Director of the Simon-Skjort Center for the Prevention of Genocide at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum and May Sabe Phyu, women’s rights advocate from Myanmar. The webinar was moderated by Akila Radhakrishnan, President of the Global Justice Center.

BROUK has published its own report, documenting ongoing genocide against Rohingya.